Everything Eco-novice Knows About Cloth Diapers

{This post is continually updated.}

I switched from disposables to cloth diapers when my first child was one and have never looked back. I've had at least one kid in cloth diapers for over five years straight now. Here are all the posts I've ever written about cloth diapering in one handy place, including:

Note that certain posts appear more than once below under different headings.

Thinking About Using Cloth?

Quiz: Are Cloth Diapers Right for You?
Some people are absolutely sure they want to use cloth diapers and some are just as sure that they will never ever ever use cloth diapers. I never had any intention of using cloth diapers but ended up switching from disposables to cloth when my first child was one. If you answer YES to five or more of the questions in this "quiz," maybe cloth diapers really are for you.

I wrote this post for a friend of mine who wanted to try cloth diapers but was overwhelmed by the cloth diapering jargon. Here I discuss the three main categories of cloth diapers in comparison to something most parents are familiar with: the disposable diaper.

Green Phone Booth: The Best Time to Try Cloth Diapers
Many expectant parents shy away from trying cloth diapers with a newborn. They figure they will already be too overwhelmed dealing with a newborn baby and will maybe try switching to cloth later on. In this post I argue that the first six months are in many ways the easiest and most economical time to cloth diaper, not to mention that cloth diapering limits your newborn's exposure to potentially toxic chemicals during a particularly susceptible period. 

The Joys of Cloth Diapering

Why I love cloth diapers
I switched to cloth diapers because I was uncomfortable with putting impermeable plastic composed of numerous undisclosed chemicals around my son's private parts 24-7. Once I began using cloth diapers, I discovered that I liked them far more than disposable diapers for all kinds of reasons.

Wiping my Baby's Bottom
Cloth wipes are one of the best things about using cloth diapers. They helped sell my husband on cloth diapers.

How Often Does Your Baby Poop Up Her Back?
For me, one of the wonderful surprises of cloth diapers was that they eliminated pooplosions completely. Tired of stashing extra outfits for your baby in every purse, bag, and car? Consider cloth.

Thoughts on Diapering and Pottying During Travel
In this post, I talk about using disposable diapers during a family trip, and why I was so happy to return to using cloth when we returned home.

Eco-novice's Favorite Cloth Diapers

Quickly browse all my favorite cloth diapers in the Diaper Department of Eco-novice's Amazon store.

Newborn Diaper Stash
This post explains my favorite daytime and night time diapers for newborns and how many of each I need to be able to wash every 3 to 4 days.

Favorite Daytime Cloth Diapers
My favorite daytime cloth diapers for newborns on up to preschoolers.

Favorite Nighttime Cloth Diapers
My first child's night time diaper was never consistently leak-free until I switched to cloth.

Comparing Brands of Reusable Cloth Training Pants
A comparison of four different brands of cloth training pants test driven extensively on kids from 9 months to 3 years. I discuss materials, absorption, how waterproof they are, ease of pulling up and down, fit, bulk, comfort, when we prefer each variety, and price.

Washing Cloth Diapers

Washing Cloth Diapers
Eco-novice walks you step-by-step through her extremely simple washing routine.

What Do You Do with the POOP???
I'd say the number one reason people steer clear of cloth diapers is the thought of dealing with poop. In this post, I lay out your many options for dealing with poop on diapers (without ever touching it).

I Love Line Drying
Line drying and cloth diapers are a match made in heaven. Reduce your carbon footprint while effortlessly eliminating any lingering odors. 

Cloth Diapering a Newborn

Green Phone Booth: The Best Time to Try Cloth Diapers
By cloth diapering your newborn, you limit her exposure to potentially toxic chemicals during a particularly susceptible period. Luckily for you, the first six months are also in many ways the easiest and most economical time to cloth diaper.

Newborn Diaper Stash
This post explains my favorite daytime and night time diapers for newborns and how many of each I need to be able to wash every 3 to 4 days.

How Often Does Your Baby Poop Up Her Back?
Tired of stashing extra outfits for your baby in every purse, bag, and car? Consider cloth. I've never had a child poop up their back while wearing a cloth diaper.

Nuts & Bolts

Cloth Diaper Tutorial - The EASIEST Way to Use a Prefold
After all these years, prefold plus cover is still my favorite way to cloth diaper everyone but a newborn. I wanted folks to see exactly how simple it is to cloth diaper using a prefold, so I made a step-by-step tutorial with lots of photos.

The Great Debate: Velcro vs. Snaps
Velcro and snaps have their pros and cons. I mostly come down in favor of snaps, but always like to have a few Velcro covers as well. Read this post to help you decide which type of closure is ideal for you.

You have to be careful what diaper cream you use with cloth diapers (petroleum based ones are a no-no). This post describes my journey from conventional diaper creams to more natural and cloth-diaper-friendly bottom balms.

Cloth Diapering in the Real World

Meet Nisha: She Switched to Cloth Diapers
My friend Nisha openly describes the benefits as well as the challenges of switching from disposable diapers to cloth, a change inspired by the loss of her husband's job.

Eco-novice Interviewed on the Green Divas Radio Show
The Green Divas ask Eco-novice: do you use cloth diapers and do you wash them yourself and do you use one of those plastic covers that looks like a shower cap? Listen to the podcast for a lively discussion about Eco-novice's and the Green Divas' experiences with cloth diapers.

The Gory Details of Cloth Diapering (and early potty training) My Third Child:

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  1. Thanks for the breakdown! We shared with our FB readers at homesteadlady.com.

  2. Hi Betsy! Jamie S. mentioned your blog to me so I came to check it out. Good on ya for making a difference in what I think is the largest policy issue facing our kids...environmental degradation. I cloth diaper too--so easy, much easier than when our parents did. Hey,just wanted to send you kudos on your blog. Best, Laura C.

    1. Thanks, Laura! Love the Jamie S. connection. I remember you! Assuming you're the Laura c. I'm thinking of 😀


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