Save Money on Food while Going Green (The Cost of Going Green, Part 2)

Visiting the local farm from which we buy much of our organic produce.

In many cases, going green is totally compatible with being frugal.  Our consumerist culture has gotten us into a lot of trouble with chemicals and climate, and you can take a large step in a greener direction simply by buying less.  In part 1 of the series "The Cost of Going Green" I described a number of ways to save money while going green.

But sometimes being green does cost more money.  For example, organic and natural food usually cost more money than conventional food.   Below are some ideas to make greening your food more affordable (I wish I did all of these, but I don't.  I'm working on it):

The Greenest Tree

Are you planning on having a Christmas tree this year?  

Wondering what kind of Christmas tree is best for the earth?   

Click HERE to check out my guest post about Christmas trees on Green Phone BoothIt would be awesome if you could leave a comment on the guest post telling what kind of tree (if any) you plan to have this year.

My 10 Favorite Etsy Wood Toy Stores {GIVEAWAY}

Note to readers (April 2013): Some of these Etsy stores are now closed or not selling products at this time. If the item you are interested in is unavailable, try searching Etsy. Their search engine is pretty good.

Whenever the grandparents give me some cash to buy gifts for my kids, I visit Etsy.  Now you are about to be the beneficiary of my many hours spent browsing the world of Etsy for the coolest wood toys.  You can read all about the reasons why I love buying toys on Etsy HERE.  If you don't have an Etsy account, you might want to make one now, so you can add these stores to your "favorites."  I have purchased toys from the last two sellers listed.  All the others are on my Etsy wish list. 

top 10 eco-books for kids

Another guest post by Kelly of miskellany. 

Looking for environmentally-friendly books for children means more than just picking up a copy of 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth at your local bookstore or library. Tips for environmental action are great for older kids, but cultivating a love of nature can start from a very early age. Here are some of my favorite books that encourage love and respect for our planet for kids of different ages . Any one of these books would make an excellent Christmas gift for a special little someone in your life.

Why I Love Shopping for Toys on Etsy

Made in the USA.  Most Etsy sellers are based in the US (some are in Canada, Europe or elsewhere).  All of my toy purchases have supported a local artisan and the U.S. economy.  My child's toy was not created with questionable materials under sketchy conditions and then shipped half-way around the world.

Designed for the Dump

Click HERE to watch The Story of Electronics.  It will make you think twice about buying that new cell phone and how you recycle your electronics.

You might also want to look at these photos and narrated slideshow of of E-Waste "Recycling."

Make a difference
The Story of Electronics: What You Can Do
Electronics Take Back Coalition: Take Action

Other films you might want to watch
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Cosmetics

Lentil Cheese Loaf/ Vegetarian Meatloaf (Meatless Monday)

I am married to a South American.  And do you know what South Americans like?  Meat.  So I consider it a major accomplishment whenever I sell my husband on one more meatless dish.  The first time I made this Lentil and Cheese Casserole, my husband told me it was better than meatloaf.  And my mom makes a good meatloaf (whenever we visit, because she knows my husband likes it).  It isn't the prettiest dish (you know what color lentils are, right?), but it is delicious and meatless!

This loaf has extra onions (not so finely chopped) and probably some extra cheese too.  I like that this recipe is pretty fudge-able.


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