An article from the American Academy of Pediatric's website for parents states
“As a general rule of thumb, children are developmentally ready to use the potty around the age of 3. However, remember that children develop at different rates and that not all children are ready at the age of 3.” (source)The classic signs of potty readiness from the AAP include (see table 3 of this article):
- Asks to use potty-chair or wear “big kid” underwear
- Can put on/take off clothes
- Demonstrates independence and uses the word “no”
- Follows parent into bathroom and expresses interest in the toilet
- Has regular and predictable bowel movements
- Imitates parental behavior
- Is able to follow simple instructions, sit, and walk
- Reports soiled diapers and wants a clean diaper
- Stays dry for two hours at a time or is dry following naps
- Uses words, facial expressions, or movements indicating the need to urinate or defecate
So I decided I'd create my own list of indications that your child is ready to use a potty.
Eco-novice's Signs of Potty Readiness
- Your child pees and poops.
- Sometimes when you open your baby's diaper, he or she immediately starts peeing (especially fun with a baby boy!).
- Your child sometimes pees or poops in the bath.
- Your child can sit with or without assistance.
- Your child loves your attention.
- Your child enjoys being read to, finger plays, and listening to you sing songs.
- Your child resists being laid down for a diaper change.
- Your child really dislikes having a poopy diaper changed.
- Your child gets frequent diaper rashes.
- Sometimes you go to change your child's diaper and notice it's dry.
- Your child enjoys diaper-free/ naked time.
- Your child is enthralled with older siblings.
I personally like to start potty training (or elimination communication, whatever you like to call it) when my child can sit reasonably comfortably on a little potty with assistance (around 4 to 6 months). That's what works for me.
When do you like to begin potty training?
Related Posts
- The Best Potties for Early Potty Training
- Comparing Brands of Reusable Training Pants
- 10 Benefits of Early Potty Training
- When to Put Your Child on the Potty
- Top Methods of Entertaining a Child on the Potty
- My 5-month-old Baby Uses the Potty
For links to every post I've ever written about early potty training, visit my Early Potty Training page.
LOVE this. The AAP recommendations make me so mad. Those standards were invented by the diaper industry!
ReplyDeleteWe like to start around the time baby can sit up too, although we did get a giggle holding our newborn to poop into the bathroom sink!