Eco-novice Interviewed on the Green Divas Radio Show


Last Thursday I was interviewed by Green Divas Megan McWilliams and Mizar Turdiu on the Green Divas Radio Show. The green divas radio show is a weekly, one-hour internet-based radio broadcast that offers listeners information about green and sustainable living in an accessible, low-guilt, often humorous way.

During my segment, we covered topics such as:

My segment starts around minute 40. Listen to the entire show to hear about local communities creating their own currency to support the local economy (and kick things up a notch from bartering), encouraging car companies to get greener, and where your Earl Gray (and other) teas come from. Find a detailed summary of the radio show on the Green Divas blog.

This was a fun experience for me - chatting with long-time greenies in real time with our real voices - since most of my interactions with other greenish types are virtual. I hope you enjoy listening.

Green Divas Radio Show 4.4.13 - Are you an Eco Novice?

If you love podcasts, consider subscribing to The Green Divas hip and informative radio show.



  1. you are awesome Betsy! great interview - first of many with the GDs, i hope. thanks for the kind words in this post. you did a GREAT job. listen to the podcast folks!


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