Lazy and Cheap Ways to Be Green, Part 3 (Wear Less Make Up)

This edition of "Lazy and Cheap Ways to Be Green" is devoted to the idea use less or no beauty products. 

I have chosen not to buy into the beauty industry partly on principle but mostly out of laziness.  Because I do not wear make up, I do not have to
  • put it on
  • take it off
  • reapply/touch up throughout the day
  • figure out which ones contain the least toxic ingredients
  • figure out what works with my skin tone, color wheel, outfit, season
  • keep up with the latest make up trends 
  • keep track of the various expiration dates for different items
  • spend money on it

I also do not have a daily skin regiment.  I wash my face with soap when I shower (which is not every day).  And sometimes remember to put on lotion.  But deodorant is a higher priority, and sometimes I don't manage to put on even that before rushing out of my room to address the most recent crisis.

I wore make up on a regular basis for the first time in my twenties (before marriage and children), when I was suffering from some pretty bad skin.  I liked having my blemishes covered up, but I could barely get my contacts out and my teeth brushed before collapsing into bed after a day at work, much less get the make up off.  So even back in my make up hey day, I only put make up on when I went out.  It was just too much work to put on and take off. 
Now if I want to look dressed up (i.e., like I'm wearing make up), I wear Origins lip pencil.  I find if you wear lipstick, people assume you are wearing make up, and you look more "done up" (I learned this trick from my sister, who also was the one who taught me that it's not really essential that you wash your face every morning and every night).  Even lip pencil I wear very rarely, because I love to kiss my kids all the time, and I don't want them to have lipstick all over their heads.

If you love your make up, just try wearing it less often, or using one less product.  See if anyone even notices.

For all posts on Lazy and Cheap Ways to Be Green, click HERE.

What beauty product can you do without?

This post is part of Frugal Friday and Homemaker Monday.


  1. I never ever wear make up, but I can't live without my face cream, and deo of course ;)

  2. I love makeup (applying it, buying it). It's my time to relax in the morning. BUT I don't apply it every day. In the past I did, but I've started cutting back, mostly because I'm lazy, but also to save money. I also skip the lipstick so that I can give my daughter kisses! :)

  3. I have problem skin and have to have some skin routine to keep it in check, but I'm definitely wearing less makeup now that I have a baby I like to hold up against my face! I will probably stock up on some mineral face makeup (I love Beauty By Saria products among a few others) but for the most part I keep my look to my eyes only. I will keep your lip trick in mind though - that's a good one!

    Ugh, I have such a love-hate relationship with deodorant. I need to get around to making my own.

  4. I know some people love make up. It is fun to dress up, but not fun enough for me to merit the resources spent. If I had problem skin still, the calculus might change. . . Here's hoping it doesn't.


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