Many moons later, I am still using cloth diapers. My almost 3 year old is currently potty training (I used cloth diapers with him from 1 year on up), and I have been using cloth since birth with my 8-month old.
To get started, I did a cloth diaper trial with Jillian's Drawers for $10 to familiarize myself with what was out there. Here's what I ended up using for my first child (ages 1 - 2.75 years):
- Some free homemade-ish fitted diapers with velcro (not awesome, but free, and better at containing poop than a prefold folded in thirds) and prefolds
folded in thirds (the wrong way) inside Thirsties
/ Imse vimse covers
- I also used BumGenius
(a pocket diaper) in the diaper bag for quicker and easier diaper changes on the toddler while out and about.
- I also used Imse Vimse flushable liners
on top of the diaper to make poop removal easier.
For my little girl, I acquired a few more diapers specifically for newborns and babies.
- Newborn - 2 months: Kissaluvs (size 0) fitted diapers
with a Prorap
/Imse Vimse newborn cover
(based on Jillian's Drawer's advice).
- 2 months - present (8 months): Kissaluvs fitted diapers (size 1)
and prefolds
(folded in thirds) with Thirsties covers
. At 8 months old, she has pooped up her back less than 5 times total.
- No flushable liners yet, but we are getting to that stage as she eats more and more solids. I have dreams of potty training her very early for pooping (my neighbor at my old place did it!) and maybe skipping liners all together.
What are your favorite cloth diapers for newborns? Toddlers?
That all sounded like foreign language to me. I may need to make the switch for the next baby.
ReplyDeleteNisha, It is all like Greek in the beginning. Maybe I should spell it out a bit more -- try to convince a few folks to give cloth a try. It was easier than I thought it would be.
ReplyDeleteI just looked up Jillian's Drawers and it is amazing! Thank you for all of your tips and this great resource!