Prenatal Vitamins

I've been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for over 4 years straight now, so I've taken my fair share of prenatal vitamins (prenatal vitamins are for pregnant and lactating women).

Pregnancy Plus Prenatal Vitamins GNC Prenatal formula with Iron 120 cap

I used to buy whatever was cheapest at the drugstore, but somewhere along my green journey I decided to look for a prenatal vitamin without weird additives (artificial colors, flavors or preservatives).  Then I found this article from Consumer Search, which evaluated prenatal vitamins according to recommended levels of vitamins by leading obstetrical experts, ratings by ConsumerLab (which conducts independent testing of  nutritional supplement quality), as well as screening for lead by the FDA.  Their inexpensive recommendation by RiteAid I was never able to find (I think it's been discontinued), but I tried their other two recommendations:  Pregnancy Plus Prenatal Vitamins and GNC Women's Prenatal Formula with Iron.

Rainbow Light Just Once Prenatal One Multivitamin, 90 Tablets 

I was also interested in the Rainbow Light Just Once Prenatal One Multivitamin, which I'd seen for sale at Whole Foods, because it also contains probiotics as well as raspberry leaf and ginger, traditionally used to support a healthy pregnancy. Unfortunately, it got a poopy rating for lead from the FDA, despite their claim of "exceptional purity."  I emailed the company to ask if they had taken any steps to insure their product had lower lead levels since the FDA's publication in 2008, and never received a response. 

New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, 192 Count 

During the last few years, I've mostly taken Pregnancy Plus Prenatal Vitamins.  You take it once a day.  The pills are small, easy to swallow, and do not upset my stomach.  But then yesterday, I saw this article on Simple Organic that recommended taking a supplement, such as New Chapter Organics Perfect Prenatal, that is both organic and made from "whole foods."  That sounds like a great idea to me, but I can't find any independent research on New Chapter Organics Perfect Prenatal for the time being.

So for now, I'm sticking with Pregnancy Plus.

What's your favorite prenatal vitamin and how did you select it?

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  1. Is this an announcement? (o:

  2. It's an announcement that I am still breastfeeding my 19-month old and still taking prenatal vitamins. But thanks SO MUCH for asking, K.

  3. I wish I would have done some research on this when I was pregnant and/or lactating for four years! :( I took the "Rainbow Light" supplements and am now disgusted to think of ingesting LEAD while I was under the impression I was doing something good for my kids! I am so fed up with this crazy-for-money greed-driven anything-goes-because-we-love-money-and-money-is-King country. I'll be spending the rest of today's insomniac episode applying for a British work visa for my hubs!

  4. Our kids must be close to the same age, I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 year old, so other than a couple months of not nursing in between pregnancies I am right there with ya! I should be taking vitamins right now because besides lactating I am planning on having another baby soon. Thanks for the resources. Iron, ginger, red raspberry leaf, and probiotics are all things that I have taken along with my prenatal while pregnant, it would be nice if I could get it all done in one swoop.

  5. Heather, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings! The lead levels in Rainbow Light were still considered "safe," but were at the upper end of the acceptable range. I am wondering how lead gets into vitamins in the first place. Good luck on the visa.

    Messy Mom - yes it would be nice. And, yes, folks who are trying to conceive also should be taking prenatals, for at least several months before, I now remember my midwives telling me. It seems you like you should probably just be taking them during all your childbearing years, since there are so many unplanned pregnancies (50% of all pregnancies, I've read), and you need that folic acid before you even know you're pregnant.

  6. Thanks for posting this. I didn't even think about the differences between prenatal vitamns or supplements. I'd like to try the one you're using:) I'm currently using one from Walmart that I got for $4. Happy Friday:)

  7. Pregnant women should consider taking prenatal vitamins to maintain the child in their womb. Thanks for the info.

    sisu vitamins


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