- Organic whole wheat berries
(which I grind myself into wheat): Azure Standard for about $12/50 pound bag. My sister buys her wheat at a Bosch kitchen center. It is more expensive but also has very high (17%) protein-content, which means she doesn't have to add any gluten to her recipe. You can buy 50 pounds of whole wheat for about $50 (including shipping) from Honeyville Grain, which is probably about the same as the Whole Foods bulk bins. Anybody know other good places to get wheat berries? It might not be a great idea to buy whole wheat flour in bulk since whole wheat flour goes rancid after a while and you'd have to store it in the fridge/freezer. More on grinding your own wheat in a future post.
- Cow's milk or soy milk
: I don't buy this in bulk. If you want to use powdered milk
+ water instead of milk, you can probably buy that in bulk.
- Salt: I don't buy this in bulk. You don't use that much anyway and salt is pretty darn cheap regardless.
- Honey
: I used to buy honey at Costco. Since reading about honey laundering, I only buy local honey directly from the producer. Honey has an indefinite shelf life but may crystallize after a while.
- Gluten: Bob's Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten, online or at Whole Foods.
- Active Dry Yeast
: Costco (about $5 for 1 pound, which is about one million times cheaper than buying yeast in those puny jars at the supermarket). I store it in a mason jar in the freezer.
Where do you buy your bread ingredients?
Posts in the series -- Lazy Person's Guide to Homemade Bread:
Part 1 -- 5 Steps to Get You Started
Part 2 -- Homemade bread even cheaper (buy in bulk)
Part 3 -- Vegan whole wheat bread
Part 4 – Additional bread supplies (nice but not necessary)
Part 5 -- A Special Treat: Buttermilk White Bread
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