Photo from allrecipes.com
It's summer! And where I live, it's hot, and there's no A/C. The bread machine is a beautiful thing in the summer. Fresh bread without heating up your entire kitchen. If you put the bread machine in your garage, it doesn't heat up your house one bit!
We usually make and eat 100% whole wheat bread, but occasionally I make white bread for a special treat. We use it for French toast, for "buns" for black bean burgers and for sandwiches. Straight out of the oven with butter it is better than a slice of cake.
Bread Machine White Buttermilk Bread
1 1/8 c warm water (45 sec. microwave)
1 T oil/ butter
3 T honey
1 1/2 t salt
3 c + 2 T white flour
1/4 c powdered buttermilk
2 t yeast
Add all ingredients in the order listed. Check dough after first kneading – should be moist and sticky. Add 1T water or flour if necessary. I would err on the side of wet. This particular dough never really forms into a ball, but just looks like a doughy mass until it's baking.
Basic cycle, 1.5 lb. loaf, light crust (take it out 5-10 minutes early if you have the chance). I have a Sunbeam/Oster bread maker (which is the lowest end one you can buy).
This post is part of Works for Me Wednesday.
Posts in the series -- Lazy Person's Guide to Homemade Bread:
Part 1 -- 5 Steps to Get You Started
Part 2 -- Homemade bread even cheaper (buy in bulk)
Part 3 -- Vegan whole wheat bread
Part 4 – Additional bread supplies (nice but not necessary)
Part 5 -- A Special Treat: Buttermilk White Bread
What is your favorite summer recipe?
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