
Weekend Links

Food for thought (and another reason to shop at your Farmer's Market):
For Every Dollar You Spend on "Food," Less than 16 Cents Pays for Food
dollar bill with food expenditures

DIY project for breastfeeding moms:
Functional, Not Fancy: Homemade Nursing Pads

Wondering what cloth diaper users* do with the POOPYou can help your baby poop on the potty,  stretch your shower head to the toilet, buy a diaper sprayer that attaches to your toilet, or do this:
DIY Plumbing Project: The Cloth Diaper Sprayer

Two sources of hormone-disrupting chemicals:
New Study: Most Plastics (Including BPA-Free Plastics) Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals
Are toxic chemicals lurking in your cosmetics?

And a way to counteract their harmful effects:
What to Do About Chemicals in Pregnant Women: A Green Solution

*Note to disposable diaper users: you are supposed to put the poop in the toilet too -- it says so right on your diaper packaging in letters about this big.

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  1. You're right...that first article really DOES make you want to shop at a farmer's market. Thanks for sharing!

  2. thank you for linking up! i enjoyed checking out your links!


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